My articles

Governing in Uncertainty: Ten Trends and a Neglected Imperative for 2024

As we embark on 2024, directors find themselves at a pivotal crossroads in corporate governance, confronting an intricate puzzle shaped by rapid AI advancements and an ever-evolving regulatory landscape. This challenging environment calls for agility, vigilance, and discernment. Through my research, I’ve pieced together various emerging reports to chart the course ahead. While several key … Read More

Embracing Diversity Through Awareness

As we all risk distraction from disruption, a leader’s ability to navigate the complexity of cultural diversity and prejudice is crucial.  A recent study offers a new approach to this challenge—one rooted in mindfulness. Insights from Recent Research: The study “A Mindful Path Toward Prejudice Reduction: Key Mindfulness Facets and Mediators for Promoting Positive Intergroup … Read More

A Stable Mind for an Unstable World

In the high-stakes climate of today’s world, the notion of a stable mind is often underestimated. Distraction comes with a cost, as the Australian Human Resources Institute highlights. A recent Economist report further illuminates this, revealing that Australian workers lose 600 hours annually to workplace distractions. This is just a glimpse of the broader implications … Read More

Attention Directing Structures: Mindful Leadership for Sustainable Futures

In the increasingly complex landscape of corporate governance, the role of a board of directors in steering organizations towards sustainable development has never been more crucial. The study “Do Boards of Directors Influence Corporate Sustainable Development? An Attention-Based Analysis” by Jeremy Galbreath offers insights into this dynamic. Key Messages from the Study Attention-Directing Structures: The … Read More

AI in Corporate Governance: Embracing the Future Mindfully

The intersection of AI and corporate governance is compelling and concerning. As AI’s market is expected to grow to around USD 1350 billion by 2030, it’s clear that this technology will redefine governance. AI’s Impact on Business and Governance Market Growth: AI’s massive projected market indicates a major shift in governance. We need to incorporate … Read More

Breaking the Mold: How Film Influences Gender Expectations in Entrepreneurship

I am delighted to announce the publication of our most recent paper, ‘Joy and the Mop: The Role of Film in Constructing and Deconstructing Gender in Entrepreneurship.’ This paper delves into how films portray gender within the context of entrepreneurship, an aspect often overlooked despite its substantial implications. In conducting this research, my colleagues, Dr … Read More

How does the unsaid shape decision-making in the boardroom?

Day one at the EGOS conference drew us into a thoughtful examination of governance’s contribution to the good life. The opening keynote unravelled the intriguing subject: ‘The Unsaid in the Boardroom,’ an area that frequently escapes scrutiny but possesses significant implications for all governance stakeholders. The research behind this keynote, conducted by Assistant Professor Marilieke … Read More

The Dissent Dilemma: Decoding the Quiet in Corporate Governance

Do we embrace a tranquil boardroom? Or strive for more divergent viewpoints? Corporate boardrooms, where people make significant decisions shaping the future of organizations, are meant to be hubs of intellectual discourse, diverse opinions and, most importantly, constructive dissent. However, business researchers and corporate experts alike are sometimes baffled by the conspicuous lack of diverging … Read More

Boosting Team Performance Under Pressure: The Surprising Power of Venting

Teams are increasingly shouldering immense challenges as they face pervasive disruption. Essential to achieving objectives and driving operations, teams often confront both environmental and internal adversity, which can surface unexpectedly, require swift responses, and pose threats to sustained performance. I’m delighted to share our podcast, “Navigating Team Resilience,” which introduces a study focused on understand … Read More