Honouring the Legacy of Professor Felicia Huppert: A Champion of Human Flourishing


Elizabeth King

Professor Felicia Huppert’s impact on the world has been profound and far-reaching. Her work offers us a blueprint to enhance lives and care for our planet. Though she is no longer with us, her contributions continue to guide and inspire.

Felicia was a colleague and a dear friend. Our relationship was built on shared discoveries, mutual respect, a love of science, and a deep commitment to making the world a better place. Her influence was felt in academic circles, political contexts and every interaction and conversation, where her passion for well-being shone through.

Felicia loved this quote which captures the essence of how she lived and worked:

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall

This guiding principle is reflected in the BLOOM™ Framework for Flourishing, one of Felicia’s collaborative contributions to the science of well-being.

The BLOOM™ Framework extends the concept of well-being from an individual pursuit to a collective responsibility. It’s about personal satisfaction and creating a ripple effect that enhances the lives of others and builds stronger communities. Her work reminds us that every action we take has the potential to influence the broader world, and with that, comes a shared responsibility.

The framework is grounded in five psychological principles essential for both individual and collective flourishing:

  • Feeling Connected: Connection is fundamental. When we nurture our relationships, we contribute to the well-being of our communities, making them more resilient and supportive. In these connections, we find the strength to move forward together, especially during challenging times.
  • Sense of Autonomy: Autonomy empowers us to make decisions that align with our values. This drives both personal fulfilment and societal progress. By embracing our autonomy, we take control of our lives, while also contributing to a society where everyone has the freedom to thrive.
  • Feeling Competent: Competence is developed by actively applying our skills, not just for personal gain, but to benefit others as well. When we hone our abilities, we not only enhance our own lives but also uplift those around us.
  • Noticing What’s Going Well: Recognizing the positive aspects of our lives fosters a mindset of gratitude and optimism, which can uplift both individuals and communities. This principle serves as a reminder that even in the toughest moments, there are rays of light that can guide us forward.
  • Sense of Meaning: Purpose guides our actions, ensuring that what we do contributes to a greater good. This is essential for both individual well-being and the advancement of society as a whole. Finding meaning in our actions helps us to stay grounded and motivated, even when the path is difficult.

These principles come to life through three core capabilities:

Clear Thinking: Informed understanding and critical evaluation are vital for making decisions that support the common good. Clear thinking empowers us to navigate complex situations with wisdom and integrity, ensuring that our actions are aligned with the greater good.

Open Mind: Mindfulness and present-focused awareness enhance clarity and decision-making, which benefits everyone around us. An open mind allows us to approach life’s challenges with a clear and focused perspective, making wiser choices that benefit both ourselves and those around us.

Open Heart: Cultivating empathy and compassion creates a more caring and inclusive environment, essential for collective flourishing. An open heart is what connects us to each other, fostering a sense of shared humanity and understanding that binds us together in times of both joy and sorrow.

Felicia often used the “Wellbeing in Context” diagram to show how these principles interact within ever-widening circles of influence. The diagram vividly demonstrates how individual flourishing contributes to, and is sustained by, collective flourishing.

On a personal note, as I navigate my own grief in the wake of Felicia’s passing, I lean heavily on the very principles she championed—gratitude and self-compassion. These practices have not only provided me with comfort and strength during this difficult time, but they also remind us of the resilience we all possess. These skills help us endure, find peace, and make the best of our challenging moments, both individually and collectively. Felicia’s teachings offer us all a way to weather the storms of life and emerge with a greater sense of purpose and connection.

The key to honouring Felicia’s legacy is to apply these principles in our own lives and work. Whether you are in a position of leadership, education, or community development, the BLOOM™ Framework provides a clear, actionable path to fostering well-being.

Felicia’s ability to blend scientific rigour with deep compassion has left us with practical and transformative tools. Her legacy lives on in every effort we make to implement these frameworks in our communities, organisations, and lives.

The collective challenges we are all addressing suggest that it is now  time to bring her work to the forefront and make the difference she envisioned. 

It is time to create the world we want to live in.


Grenville-Cleave, B., Guðmundsdóttir, D., Huppert, F., King, V., Roffey, D., Roffey, S., & de Vries, M. (2021). Creating the world we want to live in: How positive psychology can build a brighter future. Routledge.

The framework discussed in this article can be found on the book’s website. If you are interested in exploring these ideas further, feel free to reach out, and I can provide you with the link.

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