The Power of Acceptance: Weathering the Storms of Our Mind

In our fast-paced world, most of us find ourselves battling with negative thoughts and unpleasant emotions at times. To deal with the relentlessness of change and our responses to it, the practice of ‘acceptance’ holds substantial power, enabling us to weather these storms and find peace within ourselves. Recent research highlights the transformative impact of … Read More

Mental Health at Work: A Call to Action

The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) has declared “It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace” as the theme for World Mental Health Day 2024. This globally resonant theme, chosen by a vote involving participants from 116 countries, underscores the critical need to address mental health in our work environments. For leaders, … Read More

Mastering the Mind for Effective Leadership

The Foundation of Effectiveness: A Stable Mind In leadership, the mind is our most powerful tool. It can either guide us toward peace or lead us into chaos. An unchecked mind is like a wild elephant wreaking havoc, while a controlled mind unlocks immense potential for personal well-being and organisational success. Mastering the mind is … Read More

Attention Regulation: A Cornerstone of Effective Leadership

In a world characterised by unprecedented digital connectivity, information overload and complex organisational structures, the ability to maintain focus is crucial for effective leadership. Today’s leaders navigate a sea of distractions that not only impede their own focus but also ripple throughout their organisations, impacting decision-making and overall productivity. This article looks at the finance … Read More

Leading through Complexity: Navigating Uncertainty with Awareness

In an unpredictable world,  leaders increasingly note the critical importance of awareness. Like a compass, awareness guides leaders, providing the broad orientation that enables the mental clarity needed for strategic navigation and decision-making. Strengthening leadership awareness is about expanding the depth and clarity of our awareness both introspectively and outward. Read more about the definitions … Read More

Advancing Workplace Mental Health: Fostering Resilience and Productivity

Overview Global trends and recent events underscore the critical need for effective workplace mental health strategies. Drawing on international data and an Australian case study, this paper advocates for a strategic, evidence-based approach to address this issue. The rise in Australian workplace mental health issues, demonstrated by the doubling of  compensation claims from 2012 to … Read More

AI and Mental Health @Work: The Lighthouse in Our Digital Storm

Mental health in the workplace is becoming a critical challenge that leaders cannot afford to ignore. As we navigate through the ‘digital storm’ of constant change and information overload, it’s vital to establish mechanisms that foster productivity while protecting and promoting mental well-being among our teams. A powerful metaphor for understanding the role of technology … Read More

Mastering the Art of Attention: A Timeless Skill for Modern Leaders

The Power of Attention in Leadership As we navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, the capacity to direct and maintain focus has become increasingly difficult and an increasingly valuable leadership asset in what is often referred to as “the attention economy” (Davenport & Beck, 2001). Much like the rudder of a ship, attention … Read More